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Drop off Procedures

Pick Up Procedures

  • Ideally, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day.  

  • Arrive at the individually designated drop off time. 

  • Take the child to assigned drop off and pick up area. 

  • Wait at the assigned area, staying 6 feet apart from others. 

  • Staff will screen the parent and the child with pertinent safety questions. 

  • If any child shows any COVID-19 symptoms or has been in contact with someone with these symptoms, he/she will not be able to attend. 

  • Staff will check the child’s temperature to ensure that it is below 100 degrees. 

  • Children will change their shoes before entering Butterfly. 

  • Staff will take the child and wash/sanitize their hands. 

  • Parents or an authorized person may pick up their child at their individually designated time and pick up area. 

  • Parents will not be allowed into the Playschool.

  • Staff will bring the child to the parent at the door. 

  • If a parent cannot pick up their child at the designated time, they must inform Miss Nesreen. Late pick up fee will apply.


Parents should check their child(ren) for symptoms before leaving the house for Butterfly: 

  • Fever and/or chills 

  • Shortness of breath 

  • Persistent cough  

  • Muscle pain 

  • Headache  

  • Sore throat 

  • New loss of taste or smell 

  • Vomiting, unusual nausea or diarrhea 

  • Temperature of 100 or higher within the past 24 hours* 


**Children must be fever-free (under 100 degrees), without the use of fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours or more before he/she can return to Butterfly. 

COVID-19 Safety

Parent or authorized adult must pick up child/ren with any signs of illness within 30 – 45 minutes. Any repeated violation of this policy could result in being dismissed from the program. 

Parents will be requested to:

Notify Butterfly if your child has any of these symptoms listed above and will not be coming to School.   

Parents MAY NOT bring a child to Butterfly if...

Any of the family members in their home have COVID-19 symptoms.  

a child has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 10 days, 

Contact their doctor for further direction if their child is showing symptoms. 

Parents/guardians or authorized adults, who are in self-quarantine due to close contact with a COVID-19 positive individual, should NOT drop-off or pick-up. 

COVID Safety

because the safety of our children is our number one priority

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